Growing Veggies from seedling

Growing plants from seedlings takes a little more time and planning, but ultimately, it is cheaper than buying plants from a nursery.  Planting  plant seedlings also gives you more control over the variety of vegetable that you prefer because you can buy the seeds you want really inexpensively.

Our little plant seedlings are now planted.  Scott, my bro-in-love, is a great guy to have around. Such a score for us that he majored in horticulture.  I learn SO MUCH from him, including the benefits of growing vegetables from plant seedlings.

Growing vegetables from plants seedlings has given us a variety of vegetables that we wouldn't have otherwise.

Growing vegetables from plants seedlings has given us a variety of vegetables that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

Good thing we live on property and the neighbors can’t hear me talking to the plants. Our veggies must have such great self esteem with all the “Great job, tomato plant” and “Wow, look at you go, squash” going on in our garden. Either the plant seedlings were incredibly inspired by my motivational speeches or they really dug the dirt they were planted in and the miracle mulch that Scott taught us how to make.  We cut down some trees on our property and had them chipped down. There, that’s our mulch, wood shavings.  Who knew it could be so easy? That, along with some Scott approved fertilizer and simple straw placed around the beds.


Oh, how my little plant seedlings grows!

Oh, how my little plant seedlings grow!

It makes me happy to walk in our garden.  I am learning so much. Because Scott is a super knowledgeable garden guy, he actually put together our whole drip irrigation system.  Irrigation is so much easier than hand watering.  The plant seedlings have thrived and are now producing our delicious vegetables.

That's what I'm talking about! The produce is producing! All from plant seedlings!

That’s what I’m talking about! The produce is producing! All from plant seedlings!

Growing vegetables from plant seedlings is fun and simple enough for even a newbie gardener to take on.  If I can learn to do it, you absolutely can.  Now, what should I make for dinner? Let me see what I can choose from my garden.